Thomson_2013 - Housing improvements for health and associated socio- economic outcomes ( Review ) Housing improvements for health and associated socio- economic outcomes

Basic Article Info:

Article key Thomson_2013
Title Housing improvements for health and associated socio- economic outcomes ( Review ) Housing improvements for health and associated socio- economic outcomes
Year 2013
Review type meta-analysis
Main topic Health and social impacts on residents following improvements to the physical fabric of housing
Subjects area(s) Buildings, construction and facilities, Health and well-being
Built environment scale Building system
Application(s) Policy making, Practice, Human interactions and community engagement, Implementation, Design, Evaluation
Geographically focused no
Prisma diagram used no
Study focus start not mentioned
Study focus end 2012
Search string A detailed list of search strings used with different databases are given in Appendix 7. The following is a list of search strings used with Web of Science only: #1 Approximately 866,920 Topic=(house*) OR Topic=(home*) OR Topic=(apartment*) OR Topic=(bungalow*) OR Topic=(dwellings) OR Topic=(housing) OR Topic=(rehous*) OR Topic=(tenant*) OR Topic=(highrise*) OR Topic=(high rise*) OR Topic=(indoor air qualit*) OR Topic=(living environment*) OR Topic=(living quarter*) OR Topic=(multistor*) OR Topic=(owner occup*) OR Topic=(towerblock*) Timespan=2009-2012 Search language=English Lemmatization=Off # 2 Approximately 3,289,811 Topic=(health) OR Topic=(illness*) OR Topic=(medical condition*) OR Topic=(mortalit*) OR Topic=(psychological) OR Topic=(psychiatr*) OR Topic=(mental*) OR Topic=(allergen*) OR Topic=(asthma) OR Topic=(death) OR Topic=(depression) OR Topic=(deprivation) OR Topic=(life expectancy) OR Topic=(life satisfaction) OR Topic=(qol) OR Topic=(quality of life) OR Topic=(respirat*) OR Topic=(sick*) OR Topic=(symptom*) Timespan=2009-2012 Search language=English Lemmatization=Off # 3 Approximately 8,098,086 Topic=(trial*) OR Topic=(random*) OR Topic=(controlled) OR Topic=(study) OR Topic=(studies) OR Topic=(intervention) OR Topic=(longitudinal) OR Topic=(prospective) Timespan=2009-2012 Search language=English Lemmatization=Off # 4 Approximately 2,165,851 Topic=(worse*) OR Topic=(intervention*) OR Topic=(impact*) OR Topic=(harmful) OR Topic=(gain*) OR Topic=(changing) OR Topic=(better) Timespan=2009-2012 Search language=English Lemmatization=Off # 5 Approximately 53,005 #4 AND #3 AND #2 AND #1 Timespan=2009-2012 Search language=English Lemmatization=Off Just housing AND health gets 7,426 Limited to 2009-2012
No. of original sources 77
Synthesis method qualitative + quantitative
Quantitative map included yes
Conflict of interest not declared specifically
Comments A comprehensive list of search terms used with different search databases are given in Appendix 7. Only the search terms used in Web of Science are coded here. Scope of the review is international, however the selection of specific databases from specific regions and countries might have added a geographical bias.


Details about searches

Search sources
Search source name Source type Comments Weblink
Web of Sciences Online Database Web of Science is an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information, now maintained by Clarivate Analytics, that provides a comprehensive citation search.
Medline Online Database MEDLINE® contains journal citations and abstracts for biomedical literature from around the world. PubMed® provides free access to MEDLINE and links to full text articles when possible.
Embase Online Database Embase is a highly versatile, multipurpose and up-to-date biomedical database. It covers the most important international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day and all articles are indexed in depth using Elsevier's Life Science thesaurus Embase Indexing and Emtree®. The entire database is also conveniently available on multiple platforms.
PsycINFO Online Database PsycINFO is an expansive abstracting and indexing database with more than 3 million records devoted to peer-reviewed literature from the 1800s to the present in the behavioral sciences and mental health, making it an ideal discovery and linking tool for scholarly research.
CINAHL Online Database The authoritative resource for nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. This database provides indexing for 2,960 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains more than 2,000,000 records dating back to 1981.shed by Lippincott & Wilkins.
ASSIA Online Database Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) is designed to serve the information needs of the caring professions, including practitioners, researchers, and students in healthcare, social services, education, and related areas. It is focused on a core of around 500 of the most relevant English language scholarly journals covering aspects of health and social care from a broadly social scientific perspective. Coverage: 1987 - current
CAB Abstracts Online Database Produced by CABI, CAB Abstracts is the leading English-language abstracts information service providing access to the world’s applied life sciences literature.
Google Scholar Online Database Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Released in beta in November 2004, the Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online academic journals and books, conference papers, theses and dissertations, preprints, abstracts, technical reports, and other scholarly literature, including court opinions and patents.
Science and Social Science Citation Index Other Source The Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) is a commercial citation index product of Clarivate Analytics Healthcare & Science division. It was developed by the Institute for Scientific Information from the Science Citation Index.
Geobase Online Database GEOBASE is a database of indexed research literature unequalled in its coverage of the international geoscience literature: Earth sciences, ecology, geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative energy sources, pollution, waste management and nature conservation. The content crosses subject, language and cultural boundaries, providing a unique research tool to users. GEOBASE covers 3+ million abstract records of multidisciplinary content enabling comprehensive geological evaluation of any desired region. This includes geological structure and relation to natural resources as well as linking resource management, transport, and regional and urban planning.
Copac Online Database National, Academic and Specialist Library Catalogue
Campbell collaboration Other Source The Campbell Collaboration promotes positive social change through the production and use of systematic reviews and other evidence synthesis for evidence-based policy and practice.
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials Online Database The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) is a highly concentrated source of reports of randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials. The majority of CENTRAL records are taken from bibliographic databases (mainly MEDLINE and Embase), but records are also derived from other published and unpublished sources. In addition to bibliographic details (author, source, year, etc.) CENTRAL records will often include an abstract (a summary of the article). They do not contain the full text of the article.
Cochrane Public Health Online Database Cochrane Public Health (CPH) works with individuals and teams internationally to produce and publish Cochrane reviews of the effects of population-level public health interventions.
Sociological Abstracts Online Database Sociological Abstracts indexes the international literature of sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. It includes the companion file Social Services Abstracts, which provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas.
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) Online Database The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is an essential online resource for social science and interdisciplinary research. IBSS includes over two million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. It is unique in its broad coverage of international material and incorporates over 100 languages and countries. Over 2,800 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 books are included each year. Abstracts are provided for half of all current journal articles and full text availability is continually increasing.
PAIS International (Public Affairs Information Service) Online Database The PAIS Index database contains continually updated records for over half a million journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more. Newspapers and newsletters are not indexed. PAIS Index includes publications from over 120 countries throughout the world. In addition to English, some of the indexed materials are published in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and other languages. It is updated quarterly with over 17,000 current records added in total each year.
ICONDA International Construction Online Database The International CONstruction DAtabase (ICONDA) database of the International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation (CIB) covers worldwide technical literature on all fields of building construction, civil and construction engineering, and architecture and town planning.
DH-DATA: Health Administration, Medical Toxicology and Environmental Health Online Database Excerpts about 2000 professional and scientific periodicals, books, reports, etc. on health service, health administration, construction of medical facilities, manufacture of instruments and aids, their design, public health, first aid, outpatient and outpatient services and nursing services. Retrospective since 1983.
Global Health Online Database The only specialist bibliographic abstracting and indexing database dedicated to public health, completing the picture of international medical and health research by capturing key literature that is not covered by other databases
Avery Index to Architectural periodicals Online Database The Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals is published by the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Columbia University. It offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture and design, including bibliographic descriptions on subjects such as the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, historic preservation, and interior design and decoration. It contains over seven hundred American and international journals including not only scholarly and popular periodical literature, but also publications of professional associations, American state and regional periodicals, and the major serials on architecture and design of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Articles are included from key publications such as American Architect, Domus, Dwell, and El Croquis, as well as architectural articles from art and planning journals such as Burlington Magazine, Journal of Green Building, Metropolitan Museum Journal, and Urban Land.
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Online Database Aims to support British architects and introduce new people to the world of architecture.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Online Database Accredited training, consultancy, research and resources for the social care and health sectors from independent charity and improvement agency, the Social Care Institute for Excellence.
National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Online Database The National Technical Information Service is an agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The primary mission of NTIS is to collect and organize scientific, technical, engineering, and business information generated by U.S.
PLANEX Online Database PLANEX is a one-stop-shop bibliographic database for those researching or studying social or public policy and practice. It is available to universities via JISC Collections on either a one-year or three-year license agreement.
The?union?catalogue?of?Swedis? libraries (Libris) Online Database LIBRIS (Library Information System) is a Swedish national union catalogue maintained by the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm. It is possible to freely search about 6.5 million titles nationwide. In addition to bibliographic records, one for each book or publication, LIBRIS also contains an authority file of people.
SveMed+ Online Database SveMed+ is a freely available bibliographic database containing references to articles in Scandinavian journals within medicine, dentistry, health care services, occupational therapy, nursing care and physical therapy.
Digitala?vetenskapliga?arkivet (DIVA) Online Database The DiVA portal is a finding tool for research publications and student theses written at 36 universities and research institutions. DiVA – Academic Archive Online, is a publishing system for research and student theses and a digital archive for long-term preservation of publications.
Norwegian and Nordic index to periodical articles (Norart) Online Database Norwegian and Nordic index to periodical articles. Approx. 390.000 articles from 450 Norwegian and Nordic periodicals and yearbooks from 1980 onwards, within all subjects, specially on health and social fields from the years 1992-1998.
Denmark's Electronic Reseach Library (DEFF) Online Database Denmark's Electronic Reseach Library (DEFF) is an organisational and technological collaboration between academic, research and education libraries, co-funded by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture.
Institute of Local Government Studies (AFK) Online Database Institute of Local Government Studies - Denmark Institute of Local Government Studies
Danish Institut for Sundhedsvæsen (DSI) Online Database Danish Institute for Health Services Research
Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut (SBI) Online Database Danish Building Research Institute
Statens Institut for Folkesundhed Online Database National Institute of Public Health - Denmark, Socialministeriet Online Database National Institute of Public Health - Denmark
Keywords used in search allergence, apartment, asthma, better, bunglow, changing, controlled, death, depression, deprivation, dwellings, gain, harmful, health, highriser, home, house, housing, illness, impact, indoor air quality, intervention, life expectancy, life satisfaction, living environment, living quarter, longitudinal, martality, medical condition, mental, multistory, owner occupied, phycological, prospective, psychiatric, qol, quality of life, random, rehousing, respiration, sick, studies, study, symptom, tenant, tower block, trial, worse



Name Email Organisation Address Country
Hilary Thomson* Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, Medical Research Council Glasgow United Kingdom
Hilary Thomson* MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit Glasgow United Kingdom
Hilary Thomson* MRC Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, Glasgow 200 Renfield St, Glasgow G2 3QB, UK United Kingdom
Sian Thomas Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, Medical Research Council Glasgow United Kingdom
Sian Thomas MRC Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, Glasgow 200 Renfield St, Glasgow G2 3QB, UK United Kingdom
Eva Sellstrom 2Department of Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University Östersund Sweden
Eva Sellstrom Department of Health Sciences, Mid-Sweden University, Ostersund Mid Sweden University HLV SE-831 25 Östersund Sweden
Mark Petticrew Department of Social&Environmental Health Research, Faculty of PublicHealth&Policy, London School of Hygiene and TropicalMedicine London United Kingdom
Mark Petticrew MRC Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, Glasgow 200 Renfield St, Glasgow G2 3QB, UK United Kingdom
Mark Petticrew London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Keppel St, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HT, UK United Kingdom



Funding sources No funding sources recorded

Article publication information:

Article type Journal article
Article category Text
Geographical scale International
Language English
Chapter or part
Conference date
Conference venue
Published date 2013-02-28
Issue 2
Journal The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Peer reviewed yes
Publication place
Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
School / department or centre
Series volume no.
Series title
Series sort no.
Website owner
Copyrights of article The Cochrane Collaboration
Licences of article
Identifiers of article DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008657.pub2.Copyright

Quality assessment

Quality measure Details Score Comments
QA question 1 Are the research questions and inclusion criteria for the review clearly delineated? 1 = “Yes” = Who (Population), What (Intervention, Comparator group, Outcome), Where and When described. general but concrete description of aims
QA question 2 Did the report of the review contain an explicit statement that the review methods were established prior to the conduct of the review and did the report justify any significant deviations from the protocol? 1 = “Yes” = Who (Population), What (Intervention, Comparator group, Outcome), Where and When described. mentioned a protocol approved by The Campbell Collaboration in late 2004
QA question 3 Did the review authors explain their selection of the study designs for inclusion in the review? 1 = “Yes” = explicit justification of the study designs/types included in the review. experimental studies and uncontrolled studies; due lack of data from randomised trials data from uncontrolled studies may be considered valuable to establish the nature and extent of the effects of housing interventions
QA question 4 Did the review authors use a comprehensive literature search strategy? 1 = “Yes” = searched at least 2 databases (relevant to research question), provided key word and/or search strategy, justified publication restrictions (e.g. language), AND searched the reference lists / bibliographies of included studies, searched trial/study registries, included/consulted content experts in the field, where relevant, searched for grey literature, conducted search within 24 months of completion of the review. Twenty seven academic and grey literature bibliographic databases, experts; not restricted by language or publication status
QA question 5 Did the review authors perform study selection in duplicate? 1 = “Yes” = either ONE of the following: at least two reviewers independently agreed on selection of eligible studies and achieved consensus on which studies to include OR two reviewers selected a sample of eligible studies and achieved good agreement (at least 80%), with the remainder selected by one reviewer. screened and critically appraised by two review author
QA question 6 Did the review authors perform data extraction in duplicate? 1 = “Yes” = either ONE of the following: at least two reviewers achieved consensus on which data to extract from included studies OR two reviewers extracted data from a sample of eligible studies and achieved good agreement (at least 8 %), with the remainder extracted by one reviewer. Data were extracted by one review author and checked by a second review author
QA question 7 Did the review authors provide a list of excluded studies and justify the exclusions? 1 = “Yes” = provided a list of all potentially relevant studies that were read in full-text form but excluded from the review AND justified the exclusion from the review of each potentially relevant study. Table 1, Appendix 9
QA question 8 Did the review authors describe the included studies in adequate detail? 1 = “Yes” = ALL the following: Who (Population), What (Intervention, Comparator group, Outcome), Where and When described in detail. descrabided in the text and tables
QA question 9 Did the review authors use a satisfactory technique for assessing the risk of bias (RoB) in individual studies that were included in the review? 1 = “Yes” = specifically mentions RoB assessment of individual included studies. Cochrane risk of bias (RoB) and Hamilton Assessment Tool used
QA question 10 Did the review authors report on the sources of funding for the studies included in the review? 0 =”No” = no report of the sources of funding for individual studies included in the review. no info on funding sources of individual included studies
QA question 11 If meta-analysis was performed did the review authors use appropriate methods for statistical combination of results? 1 = “Yes” = The authors justified combining the data in a meta-analysis AND they used an appropriate technique to combine study results and adjusted for heterogeneity if present AND investigated the causes of any heterogeneity or adjusted for heterogeneity or confounding if present. random-effects model in CMA software, heterogeneity investigated and analysis justified
QA question 12 If meta-analysis was performed, did the review authors assess the potential impact of RoB in individual studies on the results of the meta-analysis or other evidence synthesis? 0.5 = “Can’t answer / not sure / partially” = searched at least 2 databases (relevant to research question), provided key word and/or general search strategy, justified publication restrictions (e.g., language).0.5 = “Can’t answer / not sure / partially” = Cannot decide between “yes” and “no”, basing on the information provided in the paper. Risk of bias discussed overall, but not in the context of the 2 meta-analysised studies specifically
QA question 13 Did the review authors account for RoB in individual studies when interpreting/ discussing the results of the review? 1 = “Yes” = included only low risk of bias studies OR the review provided a discussion of the likely impact of RoB on the results. specific studies refferred to in the discussion
QA question 14 Did the review authors provide a satisfactory explanation for, and discussion of, any heterogeneity observed in the results of the review? 1 = “Yes” = There was no significant heterogeneity in the results OR if heterogeneity was present the authors performed an investigation of sources of any heterogeneity in the results and discussed the impact of this on the results of the review. detailed description and discusssion
QA question 15 If they performed quantitative synthesis did the review authors carry out an adequate investigation of publication bias (small study bias) and discuss its likely impact on the results of the review? N/A only 2 studies included in meta-analysis, thus formal testing for publication bias not possible
QA question 16 Did the review authors report any potential sources of conflict of interest, including any funding they received for conducting the review? 1 = “Yes” = The authors reported no competing interests OR the authors described their funding sources and how they managed potential conflicts of interest. Disclaimer provided in "Declarations of interest"
Quality index Overall rating (Quality Index) assigned to each SR, highlighting whether major concerns arose during quality assessment that may affect overall conclusions of a SR: A = Minimal flaws; B = Some flaws; C = Major flaws in many aspects of the review. A very detailed and thorough sytematic review
Suggested review type Actual review type:systematic map, systematic review, rapid review, scoping review, narrative review, etc. meta-analysis N/A
Risk of bias level How likely are the main conclusions of the review to be biased? Basing on review type and quality index and quality_index_comment assign: high moderate or low risk? low very detailed and thorough sytematic review