
An overview table of included 529 comparison points. Table can be searched using the search (filtering) fields above each column. To access detailed view of each record, please click on the eye icon at the end of each row.

Table columns descriptions:

Year – publication year of a study from which data points were extracted

Journal – name of a journal in which a study was publiched

Common Name – common name of a species used in a study

Model – whether used species/strain are model laboratory animals (1=yes, 0=no)

Sex – sex of animals used in comparison (M=males, F=females, N=none/hermaphrodite or MF=males and females)

Type – type of dietary restriction (FW= food weight, where exactly the same food was given in smaller quantities without the above consideration with or without microelement supplementation; BW= body weight, where weekly adjustments were made in order to keep the treatment group at a prescribed percentage body weight less than that of the controls (either by averages or pair-feeding), it is very similar type to food weight; FC= food concentration, where treatments were placed in a food medium of a certain dilution of the control amount; FD= feeding day, where both groups were fed ad libitum but the treatment groups were only allowed access to the food on certain days.  NM=nutrient content manipulation; CNM=caloric and nutrient manipulation)

Strain – strain name/type of animals used in comparison (WT = wild type)

Repro – reproductive status of animals used in comparison (0=virgin, 1=reproducing)

Age2 – age (in days) of dietary restricted animals used in comparison at the beginning of the experiment

N2 – number of dietary restricted animals used in comparison at the beginning of the experiment

Showing 201-220 of 529 items.
#YearJournalCommon NameModelSexTypeStrainReproAge2N2 
2011993J GERONTOL A-BIOLRat1MFWF344042146
2021995EXP CELL RESMouse1MFWB6D2F109850
2031995EXP CELL RESMouse1MFWB6C3F109850
2041995EXP CELL RESMouse1FFWB6D2F109850
2051995EXP CELL RESMouse1FFWB6C3F109850
2062000FASEB JMouse1MFWC57BL/609832
2071998J GERONTOL A-BIOLRat1MFWSprague-Dawley06030
2081998J GERONTOL A-BIOLRat1MFWSprague-Dawley06030
2091991J NUTRMouse1FFWNZB/WF105615
2102008J GERONTOL A-BIOLYeast1NFCBY474210.015
2112008J GERONTOL A-BIOLYeast1NFCBY474210.015
2122008AGING CELLRat1MFFWWT_rat05667
2132004J CLIN IMMUNOLMouse1FFWNZB/WF104230
2142004J CLIN IMMUNOLMouse1FFWNZB/WF104230
2152006MECH AGEING DEVDrosophila1FCNMCanton-S112480
2162006MECH AGEING DEVDrosophila1MCNMCanton-S112150
2172006MECH AGEING DEVDrosophila1MCNMCanton-S112150
2182006MECH AGEING DEVDrosophila1MCNMCanton-S112150
2192006MECH AGEING DEVDrosophila1MCNMCanton-S112150
2202006MECH AGEING DEVDrosophila1FCNMCanton-S112150