Garcez_2017 - What do we know about the study of distributed generation policies and regulations in the Americas? A systematic review of literature

Basic Article Info:

Article key Garcez_2017
Title What do we know about the study of distributed generation policies and regulations in the Americas? A systematic review of literature
Year 2017
Review type systematic review
Main topic Distributed electricity generation
Subjects area(s) Buildings, construction and facilities, Energy, Environment and nature, Policy, administration and planning
Built environment scale Global / Country / Region
Application(s) Policy making, Practice, Implementation, Innovation
Geographically focused yes
Prisma diagram used no
Study focus start 2000
Study focus end 2014
Search string Web of Science (English): TOPIC: ("distributed electricity generation" OR "distributed generation")ORTOPIC: ("decentrali* electricity generation" OR "decentrali* generation")ORTOPIC: ("net meter*")ORTOPIC: ("feed in tariff" OR "feed-in tariff")
No. of original sources 87
Synthesis method qualitative
Quantitative map included no
Conflict of interest not declared specifically
Comments Articles written in Portuguese, Spanish and French were considered in this review in addition to English articles.


Details about searches

Search sources
Search source name Source type Comments Weblink
Web of Sciences Online Database Web of Science is an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information, now maintained by Clarivate Analytics, that provides a comprehensive citation search.
Proquest Online Database ProQuest is committed to empowering researchers and librarians around the world. Its innovative information content and technologies increase the productivity of students, scholars, professionals and the libraries that serve them. Through partnerships with content holders, ProQuest preserves rich, vast and varied information – whether historical archives or today’s scientific breakthroughs – and packages it with digital technologies that enhance its discovery, sharing and management. For academic, corporate, government, school and public libraries, as well as professional researchers, ProQuest provides services that enable strategic acquisition, management and discovery of information collections.
CAPES portal Online Database The CAPES Portal de Periódicos is the Brazilian national electronic library consortium for science and technology that was created during the year 2000 to make scientific knowledge more easily accessible in Brazil. It is a virtual library that aggregates high quality content, provided through publishers and international scientific associations.
Scielo Online Database SciELO is an electronic library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals.
CAIRN Online Database This journal database covers subjects in the humanities and social sciences, representing primarily French and Francophone scholarly publications. Since February 2006, the National Library of France has been involved with this project. UW-Madison library subscribes to Cairn's humanities and social sciences package which includes 218 journals, most with articles in French, but a few in English. Subject areas include law, economics, business, geography, history, literature and language, philosophy, psychology, communications, education, political science, and sociology. To use the Cairn database, stay on the homepage with the Revues tab highlighted. Type a keyword or words in the top box, or select journals by discipline or title. Please note: a few of the search results might not allow access, as the UW-Madison library does not subscribe to all of the journal titles included in Cairn.
Keywords used in search decentralised electricity generation, decentralised generation, distributed electricity generation, distributed generation, electrical energy, electricity, feed in tariff, feed-in tariff, net meter



Name Email Organisation Address Country
Catherine Aliana Gucciardi Garcez Center* Center for Sustainable Development, University of Brasilia Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Gleba A, Universidade de Brasília, Asa Norte, Brasília, DF 70910-900 Brazil



Funding sources
Funding source Address Country Funded year Comments
Organization of American States and the CAPES Foundation Brazil

Article publication information:

Article type Journal article
Article category Text
Geographical scale Region
Language English
Chapter or part
Conference date
Conference venue
Published date 2016-12-10
Journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Pagination 1404-1416
Peer reviewed yes
Publication place
Publisher Elsevier Ltd
School / department or centre
Series volume no.
Series title
Series sort no.
Volume 75
Website owner
Copyrights of article Elsevier Ltd.
Licences of article
Identifiers of article DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.129, ISBN: 1364-0321, ISSN: 18790690

Quality assessment

Quality measure Details Score Comments
QA question 1 Are the research questions and inclusion criteria for the review clearly delineated? 1 = “Yes” = Who (Population), What (Intervention, Comparator group, Outcome), Where and When described. general but concrete description of aims
QA question 2 Did the report of the review contain an explicit statement that the review methods were established prior to the conduct of the review and did the report justify any significant deviations from the protocol? 0 = ”No” = research question and inclusion criteria not outlined in detail. not provided
QA question 3 Did the review authors explain their selection of the study designs for inclusion in the review? 0.5 = “Can’t answer / not sure / partially” =Cannot decide between “yes” and “no”, basing on the information provided in the paper. various types of peer-reviewed publications
QA question 4 Did the review authors use a comprehensive literature search strategy? 1 = “Yes” = searched at least 2 databases (relevant to research question), provided key word and/or search strategy, justified publication restrictions (e.g. language), AND searched the reference lists / bibliographies of included studies, searched trial/study registries, included/consulted content experts in the field, where relevant, searched for grey literature, conducted search within 24 months of completion of the review. seven databases, references and manual journal seraches
QA question 5 Did the review authors perform study selection in duplicate? 0 =”No” = only one reviewer involved in the study selection or no description how many reviewers participated in study selection. only one researcher involved
QA question 6 Did the review authors perform data extraction in duplicate? 0 =”No” = only one reviewer involved in the study selection or no description how many reviewers participated in data extraction. only one researcher involved
QA question 7 Did the review authors provide a list of excluded studies and justify the exclusions? 0 =”No” = No list of studies excluded at a full-text stage. not provided
QA question 8 Did the review authors describe the included studies in adequate detail? 0.5 = “Can’t answer / not sure / partially” = Who (Population), What (Intervention, Comparator group, Outcome), Where and When briefly described, or only some of these described in detail. Cannot decide between “yes” and “no”, basing on the information provided in the paper. Appendix A (list of studies, without content summaries)
QA question 9 Did the review authors use a satisfactory technique for assessing the risk of bias (RoB) in individual studies that were included in the review? 0 =”No” = no mention of RoB assessment of individual included studies. not provided
QA question 10 Did the review authors report on the sources of funding for the studies included in the review? 0 =”No” = no report of the sources of funding for individual studies included in the review. not provided
QA question 11 If meta-analysis was performed did the review authors use appropriate methods for statistical combination of results? N/A no meta-analysis
QA question 12 If meta-analysis was performed, did the review authors assess the potential impact of RoB in individual studies on the results of the meta-analysis or other evidence synthesis? N/A no meta-analysis
QA question 13 Did the review authors account for RoB in individual studies when interpreting/ discussing the results of the review? 0 =”No” = no discussion of the potential impact of RoB in individual studies. not provided
QA question 14 Did the review authors provide a satisfactory explanation for, and discussion of, any heterogeneity observed in the results of the review? 1 = “Yes” = There was no significant heterogeneity in the results OR if heterogeneity was present the authors performed an investigation of sources of any heterogeneity in the results and discussed the impact of this on the results of the review. discussed methodological factors
QA question 15 If they performed quantitative synthesis did the review authors carry out an adequate investigation of publication bias (small study bias) and discuss its likely impact on the results of the review? N/A no meta-analysis
QA question 16 Did the review authors report any potential sources of conflict of interest, including any funding they received for conducting the review? 1 = “Yes” = The authors reported no competing interests OR the authors described their funding sources and how they managed potential conflicts of interest. Funding sources disclosed in "Acknowledgemets"
Quality index Overall rating (Quality Index) assigned to each SR, highlighting whether major concerns arose during quality assessment that may affect overall conclusions of a SR: A = Minimal flaws; B = Some flaws; C = Major flaws in many aspects of the review. B no protocol, some details missing, some bias might be present
Suggested review type Actual review type:systematic map, systematic review, rapid review, scoping review, narrative review, etc. systematic map N/A
Risk of bias level How likely are the main conclusions of the review to be biased? Basing on review type and quality index and quality_index_comment assign: high moderate or low risk? medium no protocol, included studies not well described; no assessment or discussion of biases of the included studies