Review articles

A preview of included review articles is given in the table below.


  1. Articles can be searched using the search fields: Article key, Title, Year, Authors, Claimed review type, Actual review type, Quality index, Risk of bias and Main topic. 
  2. Quality index and Risk of bias have been derived using modified AMSTAR (Burda, Holmer and Noris 2016; Shea et al. 2007) and AMSTAR-2 (Shea et al.2017) checklist. For more details of the quality assessment process, please visit Quality assessment scheme.
  3. To visit detailed view of each review article, please click on icon at the end of each row.
Showing 1-20 of 131 items.
Article keyTitleYearAuthorsClaimed review typeActual review typeQuality indexRisk of biasMain topic 
Khoshbakht_2017Cost-benefit Prediction of Green Buildings: SWOT Analysis of Research Methods and Recent Applications2017Karine Dupre, Maryam Khoshbakht, Zhonghua Gousystematic reviewscoping reviewCmediumCost-benefit prediction methods for green buildings
Maruthaveeran_2014A socio-ecological exploration of fear of crime in urban green spaces - A systematic review2014Sreetheran Maruthaveeran, Cecil C. Konijnendijk van den Boschsystematic reviewscoping reviewBmediumUrban green spaces characteristics that evoke fear of crime
Semaan_2016Assessment of the Gains and Benefits of Green Roofs in Different Climates2016Mary Semaan, Annie Pearcemeta-analysissystematic reviewCmediumEffects of climate and geographical location on the effectiveness of green roofs.
Elzeyadi_2012Green Classroom 2020 : Design Strategies to Retrofit K-12 Schools for Carbon Neutrality2002Ihab M.K. Elzeyadi, L. Edwards, P. Torcellinisystematic reviewsystematic reviewChighRetrofitting existing schools to achieve carbon neutrality, environmental sustainability and better indoor environment
Pettifor_2017Social influence in the global diffusion of alternative fuel vehicles – A meta-analysis2017Jillian Anable, Charlie Wilson, Wokje Abrahamse, Jonn Axsen, Hazel Pettiformeta-analysismeta-analysisBmediumThe strength of social influences on consumer vehicle choice.
Gascon_2016Residential green spaces and mortality: A systematic review2016Joan Forns, David Martinez, Mireia Gascon, Antoni Plasencia, Payam Dadvand, Margarita Triguero-Mas, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen systematic reviewmeta-analysisAmediumThe association between long-term exposure to residential green and blue spaces and mortality in adults.
Inyim_2016Environmental assessment of pavement infrastructure: A systematic review2016Michael Bienvenu, Peeraya Inyim, Ali Mostafavi, Jose Pereyrasystematic reviewsystematic mapCmediumEnvironmental impacts of pavement infrastructure
McCormick_2017Does Access to Green Space Impact the Mental Well-being of Children: A Systematic Review2017Rachel McCormicksystematic reviewsystematic reviewCmediumEffects of green spaces on mental health of children
Centobelli_2017Environmental sustainability in the service industry of transportation and logistics service providers: Systematic literature review and research directions2017Emilio Esposito, Piera Centobelli, Roberto Cerchionesystematic reviewrapid reviewBlowEnvironmental sustainability in transportation and logistics
Jacobs_2010A systematic review of housing interventions and health: introduction, methods, and summary findings2010Stephen Margolis, Andrea Baeder, David E. Jacobs, Rebecca L. Morley, Jerry Hershovitz, Marissa Scalia Sucosky, Mary Jean Brown, Laura Kolbsystematic reviewscoping reviewCmediumHousing interventions associated with exposure to biological and chemical agents, structural injury hazards, and community-level interventions
Li_2015A systematic review of environmentally conscious product design2015Alexandra Pehlken, Zhongkai Li, Jorge Marx Gómezsystematic reviewrapid reviewChighProduct eco-design for sustainability. Eco-design models, methods, and software.
Luederitz_2013A systematic review of guiding principles for sustainable urban neighborhood development2013Henrik Von Wehrden, Christopher Luederitz, Daniel J. Langsystematic reviewscoping reviewBmediumSustainable urban neighborhood development
Gong_2016A systematic review of the relationship between objective measurements of the urban environment and psychological distress2016David Fone, John Gallacher, Yi Gong, Terry Marsden, Stephen Palmersystematic reviewsystematic reviewBmediumPsychological distress in urban environments
Li_2017A review of studies on green building assessment methods by comparative analysis2017Po-Han Chen, Xiaoyu Wang, Yuanyuan Li, Youquan Xu, Xiaochen Chensystematic reviewsystematic mapCmediumGreen building assessment
Castello_2010The Environmental Millennium Development Goal: progress and barriers to its achievement Lucas2010Carlos Alvarez-Dardet Diaz, Lucas Donat Castello, Ildefonso Herna´ndez-Aguado, Diana Gil-Gonza´ lezsystematic reviewsystematic reviewBmediumSeventh Millennium Development Goal (MDG7), including environmental sustainability in developing countries
Garcez_2017What do we know about the study of distributed generation policies and regulations in the Americas? A systematic review of literature2017Catherine Aliana Gucciardi Garcez
systematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumDistributed electricity generation
Shirazi_2017Critical reflections on the theory and practice of social sustainability in the built environment – a meta-analysis2017M. Reza Shirazi, Ramin Keivani
systematic reviewscoping reviewBmediumSocial sustainability in the built environment
Tomas_2013Smart cities architectures a systematic review2013Alexandre Alvaro, Paulo A. da M. S. Neto, Gustavo H. R. P. Tomas, Kiev Gama, Vinicius C. Garcia, Welington M. da Silvasystematic reviewrapid reviewBmediumArchitectures that are able to interact with the Internet of Things
Oshodi_2017Theoretical analysis of the metrics for measuring the sustainability of infrastructure projects2017Olalekan Oshodi, Clinton Aigbavboasystematic reviewscoping reviewBmediumMetrics for evaluating the sustainability of infrastructure projects
Hall_2016Accommodation consumers and providers' attitudes, behaviours and practices for sustainability: A systematic review2016Leroy Paul-Andrews, Dea Majstorovi, Colin Michael Hall, Chloe Wallace, Hamish Mills, Natasha Dayal, Van Dao Truongsystematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumAttitudes, behaviours and practices of consumers and the provision of accommodation with respect to sustainability