Review articles

A preview of included review articles is given in the table below.


  1. Articles can be searched using the search fields: Article key, Title, Year, Authors, Claimed review type, Actual review type, Quality index, Risk of bias and Main topic. 
  2. Quality index and Risk of bias have been derived using modified AMSTAR (Burda, Holmer and Noris 2016; Shea et al. 2007) and AMSTAR-2 (Shea et al.2017) checklist. For more details of the quality assessment process, please visit Quality assessment scheme.
  3. To visit detailed view of each review article, please click on icon at the end of each row.
Showing 101-120 of 131 items.
Article keyTitleYearAuthorsClaimed review typeActual review typeQuality indexRisk of biasMain topic 
Fenwick_2013Economic analysis of the health impacts of housing improvement studies: A systematic review2013Elisabeth Fenwick, Catriona Macdonald, Hilary Thomsonsystematic reviewsystematic reviewAlowHealth and economic impacts of housing improvement
Mavrigiannaki_2016Latent heat storage in building elements: A systematic review on properties and contextual performance factors2016Eleni Ampatzi, Angeliki Mavrigiannakisystematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumLatent heat storage in building elements
Tuckett_2017The built environment and older adults: A literature review and an applied approach to engaging older adults in built environment improvements for health2018Ann W. Banchoff, Sandra J. Winter, Anthony G. Tuckett, Abby C. Kingsystematic reviewscoping reviewCmediumImpact of built environment on the health of older adults
Ferdinand_2012The relationship between built environments and physical activity: A systematic review2012Bisakha Sen, Nir Menachemi, Saurabh Rahurkar, Alva O. Ferdinand, Sally Englersystematic reviewmeta-analysisBmediumBuilt environments and physical activity / obesity
Kabisch_2015Human-environment interactions in urban green spaces - A systematic review of contemporary issues and prospects for future research2015Salman Qureshi, Dagmar Haase, Nadja Kabischsystematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumHumans and urban green space
Tol_20087The Social Cost of Carbon: Trends, Outliers and Catastrophes2008Richard S.J. Tolmeta-analysismeta-analysisChighSocial cost of carbon dioxide emissions
Ordóñez-Barona_2017How different ethno-cultural groups value urban forests and its implications for managing urban nature in a multicultural landscape: A systematic review of the literature2017Camilo Ordonez-Baronasystematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumEthno-cultural aspects of urban greenspace
Polzin_2017Mobilizing private finance for low-carbon innovation – A systematic review of barriers and solutions2017Friedemann Polzinsystematic reviewscoping reviewCmediumBarriers to low-carbon innovation and financial consequences
Roberts_2018Identifying Effective Behavior Change Techniques in Built Environment Interventions to Increase Use of Green Space: A Systematic Review2018Rosemary McEachan, Ian Kellar, Tamsin Margary, Hannah Roberts, Mark Connersystematic reviewsystematic reviewAlowPromoting use of urban greenspace
Wong_2015Developing a conceptual framework of carbon reduction research in construction2013FRANCESCO IMPERATORI, ALESSIO ACQUARO, CHRISTIAN KAKAVOULES, PETER S. P. WONG, STEFAN POLASTRIsystematic reviewscoping reviewCmediumCarbon reduction research overview
Smith_2017Systematic literature review of built environment effects on physical activity and active transport – an update and new findings on health equity2017Jamie Hosking, Peter Baas, Alexandra MacMillan, Alistair Woodward, Melody Smith, Hamish Mackie, Adrian Field, Karen Wittensystematic reviewsystematic reviewAlowEffects of environmental interventions on physical activity
Perino_2014The Value of Urban Green Space in Britain: A Methodological Framework for Spatially Referenced Benefit Transfer2014Barnaby Andrews, Andreas Kontoleon, Grischa Perino, Ian Batemanmeta-analysismeta-analysisChighHeterogeneity and value of urban greenspace
Sener_2018Factors impacting diverging paths of renewable energy: A review2018Julia L. Sharp, Annick Anctil, Serife Elif Can Senersystematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumDifferences between countries in renewable energy deployment
Darko_2017cDrivers for green building: A review of empirical studies2016Chenzhuo Zhang, Albert P.C. Chan, Amos Darkosystematic reviewsystematic mapCmediumAdoption of green buliding
Rupprecht_2015Informal urban green space: A trilingual systematic review of its role for biodiversity and trends in the literature2015Jason A. Byrne, Jenni G. Garden, Christoph D.D. Rupprecht, Jean-Marc Herosystematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumUrban green spaces and their value for biodiversity
McGrath_2015Associations of Objectively Measured Built-Environment Attributes with Youth Moderate–Vigorous Physical Activity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2015Will G. Hopkins, Erica A. Hinckson, Leslie J. McGrathmeta-analysismeta-analysisBmediumBuilt environment and youth activity
Russo_2017Edible green infrastructure: An approach and review of provisioning ecosystem services and disservices in urban environments2017Francisco J. Escobedo, Giuseppe T. Cirella, Alessio Russo, Stefan Zerbesystematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumUrban provisioning / food growing
Liu_2017The development history and prospects of biomass-based insulation materials for buildings2017HongQiang Li, NianPing Li, ChunYi Tong, Andrea Lazzaretto, LiFang Liu, QiBin Liu, Giovanni Manentesystematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumDevelopment of bio-insulations
Ramesh_2017Plant fibre based bio-composites: Sustainable and renewable green materials2017Kayaroganam Palanikumar, K. Hema Chandra Reddy, M. Rameshsystematic reviewscoping reviewCmediumCharacteristics of plant fibres used in bio-composites
Jagarajan_2017Green retrofitting – A review of current status, implementations and challenges2017Mat Naim Abdullah Mohd Asmoni, Janice Lee Yim Mei, Abdul Hakim Mohammed, Rehmaashini Jagarajan, Maizan Baba, Mohd Nadzri Jaafarsystematic reviewscoping reviewCmediumImplementation of green retrofit projects