Review articles

A preview of included review articles is given in the table below.


  1. Articles can be searched using the search fields: Article key, Title, Year, Authors, Claimed review type, Actual review type, Quality index, Risk of bias and Main topic. 
  2. Quality index and Risk of bias have been derived using modified AMSTAR (Burda, Holmer and Noris 2016; Shea et al. 2007) and AMSTAR-2 (Shea et al.2017) checklist. For more details of the quality assessment process, please visit Quality assessment scheme.
  3. To visit detailed view of each review article, please click on icon at the end of each row.
Showing 1-20 of 131 items.
Article keyTitleYearAuthorsClaimed review typeActual review typeQuality indexRisk of biasMain topic 
Keyvanfar_2014User satisfaction adaptive behaviors for assessing energy efficient building indoor cooling and lighting environment2014Arezou Shafaghat, Alshahri Dhafer Saad, Mohd Warid Hussin, Muhd Zaimi Abd Majid, Ali Keyvanfar, Kherun Nita Binti Ali, Hasanuddin Bin Lamitsystematic reviewscoping reviewCmediumAdaptive behaviors for assessing energy efficient building indoor environment in design phase of building lifecycle
Chong_2017A mixed review of the adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for sustainability2017Cen-Ying Lee, Xiangyu Wang, Heap-Yih Chongsystematic reviewscoping reviewBmediumAdoption of Building Information Modelling for sustainability
Darko_2017cDrivers for green building: A review of empirical studies2016Chenzhuo Zhang, Albert P.C. Chan, Amos Darkosystematic reviewsystematic mapCmediumAdoption of green buliding
Wiernik_2013Age and environmental sustainability: a meta-analysis2013Deniz S. Ones, Stephan Dilchert, Brenton M. Wiernikmeta-analysismeta-analysisBmediumAge and environmental attitudes
Haby_2016Energy interventions that facilitate sustainable development and impact health: An overview of systematic reviews2016Evelina Chapman, Rachel Clark, Michelle M. Haby, Luiz A.C. Galvãosystematic reviewsystematic reviewAlowAn overview of systematic reviews on sustainable energy use and health
Tomas_2013Smart cities architectures a systematic review2013Welington M. da Silva, Alexandre Alvaro, Paulo A. da M. S. Neto, Gustavo H. R. P. Tomas, Kiev Gama, Vinicius C. Garciasystematic reviewrapid reviewBmediumArchitectures that are able to interact with the Internet of Things
Benton_2016The effect of changing the built environment on physical activity: a quantitative review of the risk of bias in natural experiments2016David P. French, Jack S. Benton, Ruth F. Hunter, Jamie Andersonmeta-analysissystematic reviewBlowAssessing the causal effects of the built environment factors on physical activity
Wu_2015The association between community environment and cognitive function: a systematic review2015A. Matthew Prina, Carol Brayne, Yu-Tzu Wusystematic reviewrapid reviewBmediumAssociation between community environ- ment and cognitive function in older people
Lachowycz_2011Greenspace and obesity: A systematic review of the evidence2011Andy Peter Jones, Kate Lachowyczsystematic reviewsystematic reviewBmediumAssociation between greenspace and obesity
Hall_2016Accommodation consumers and providers' attitudes, behaviours and practices for sustainability: A systematic review2016Natasha Dayal, Van Dao Truong, Leroy Paul-Andrews, Dea Majstorovi, Colin Michael Hall, Chloe Wallace, Hamish Millssystematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumAttitudes, behaviours and practices of consumers and the provision of accommodation with respect to sustainability
Darko_2017Review of Barriers to Green Building Adoption2017Albert P. C. Chan, Amos Darkosystematic reviewrapid reviewChighBarriers to Green Building adoption
Polzin_2017Mobilizing private finance for low-carbon innovation – A systematic review of barriers and solutions2017Friedemann Polzinsystematic reviewscoping reviewCmediumBarriers to low-carbon innovation and financial consequences
Schulz_2016Built environment and health: a systematic review of studies in Germany2016Matthias Romppel, Gesine Grande, Maike Schulzsystematic reviewsystematic mapBmediumBuilt environment and health in Germany
Durand_2011A Systematic Review of Built Environment Factors Related to Physical Activity and Obesity Risk: Implications for Smart Growth Urban Planning2011Casey P. Durand, MPH, Mary Ann Pentz, Mohammad Andalib, Jennifer Wolch, Genevieve F. Duntonsystematic reviewrapid reviewBmediumBuilt environment and health in smart cities
Besser_2017Neighborhood environment in studies of health of older adults: a systematic review2009Yvonne L. Michael, Leslie Perdue, Irene H. Yensystematic reviewsystematic reviewBmediumBuilt environment and health of elderly
Zapata-Diomedi_2016The association between built environment features and physical activity in the Australian context: a synthesis of the literature2016J. Lennert Veerman, Belen Zapata-Diomedisystematic reviewsystematic reviewBmediumBuilt environment and physical activity in Australian adults
McGrath_2015Associations of Objectively Measured Built-Environment Attributes with Youth Moderate–Vigorous Physical Activity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2015Will G. Hopkins, Erica A. Hinckson, Leslie J. McGrathmeta-analysismeta-analysisBmediumBuilt environment and youth activity
Rosso_2011The Urban Built Environment and Mobility in Older Adults: A Comprehensive Review2011Amy H. Auchincloss, Yvonne L.Michael Department, Andrea L. Rossosystematic reviewrapid reviewChighBuilt environment effects on mobility and disability in elderyr
Dunton_2009Physical Environmental Correlates of Childhood Obesity: A Systematic Review2009Jesse Kaplan, Kim D. Reynolds, Jennifer Wolch, Genevieve Fridlund Dunton, Michael Jerrettsystematic reviewrapid reviewBmediumBuilt environments and obesity in children and adolescents through physical activity
Ferdinand_2012The relationship between built environments and physical activity: A systematic review2012Bisakha Sen, Nir Menachemi, Saurabh Rahurkar, Alva O. Ferdinand, Sally Englersystematic reviewmeta-analysisBmediumBuilt environments and physical activity / obesity